ŽENEVSKI DEKRET (Geneve Decree) was a legendary Yugoslavian Trash / Punk band formed in 1983 in Bosnian town Mostar. In 1983rd Mostar lived its apathy, and there was no sign that anything is going to ever change in eternally red Mostar. However, boys were persistent and they soon recorded the first songs. Began to play shows and concerts... By the beginning of the war in former Yugoslavia they released several recordings and appeared on numerous compilations. The war begins… But in 1997 in Sweden city Norrköping something is going happen. There Golub, Habi, Mujic and guitarist Haris will meet. It will be new line up of ZD. After 5 months of practicing they entered the studio and recorded 12 songs, different than earlier material. Finally, here is your chance to hear them... Highly recommended!!
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